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In Person

You can place your gift int he drop boxes at each of our entrances. Giving envelopes are available.

By Mail

You can always mail a check to the church office.

CenterPoint Church
589 Palisade Dr. #10
Brunswick, GA 31523


Why We Give

We give because God gave first. We believe that giving is an act of worship. It is our response to the love that God showed us when He gave Jesus to live and die for us.

When you give to CenterPoint Church, you are obedient to join God in His mission. As a result of your giving, we are able to plant churches, invest in the next generation, and serve those who are hurting here in our community.

What does the Bible say about giving?

Giving is a vital part of our spiritual growth. It is about more than just funding God's mission. We give to learn to trust God. When we experience God's faithfulness in our finances, our faith grows. Giving requires two things of us:

1. Faith. Giving is an active expression of our faith. It recognizes God as the owner of all things (Psalm 24:1) and our true provider (James 1:17). Giving affirms our confidence in His ability to supply all we need. It is an act of gratitude and dependence that allows us to partner with God and His work through our church and in the world.

2. Faithfulness. Giving requires the highest standard of personal integrity and discipline. It is not a casual or occasional thing. The Bible teaches we are to give willingly, generously, and cheerfully (2 Corinthians 8:3, 8:12, and 9:7). Our pattern should reflect a regular and systematic plan. In Malachi 3:10, we learn God’s standard of the tithe (the first tenth of our income) being set apart in all of our earnings as a gift to God. Through our tithes and offerings (anything above our first tenth), we are faithful in the stewardship of all God has provided for us.

Gifts are tax-deductible. Donors will receive a contribution statement in January of each year accounting for all contributions made the previous calendar year. You can view your giving history at any time through the CenterPoint Church App. Please feel free to contact our Church Office at 912-275-7722 or with any questions.

Privacy Policy: CenterPoint Church does not share any information with outside or third party vendors.

(912) 275-7722
573 Palisade Dr
Brunswick, GA 31523

© 2024 | CenterPoint Church